Robotics with Waikato Uni -Napier

There was a palpable buzz as PTC delivered its robotics workshop to our Napier students this week. In collaboration with Dr Lim and his team from Waikato University our girls received a practical hands-on appreciation of using parts to build their machine, whilst gaining valuable insight into the possibilities within the field of robotics.

There are many new innovations emerging in the field of robotics.

Meet Birdbot, the avian-inspired robot” describes a robot whose design “benefits from a foot-leg coupling through a network of muscles and tendons that extends across multiple joints”. In the Science Robots article on the 16th March, 2022, experts describe that the energy-efficient gait of the robot achieved with minimal control is phenomenal, as the biology of our birds is twinned to robotics to improve the efficiency of legged-robots.

Exposing students to these kinds of future careers and range of possibilities is the first step to ensuring innovation and creativity are harnessed across the next generation.