Robotics with Waikato1

The gap in the weather enabled Hastings rangatahi to head out to Ocean beach to investigate for microplastics. PTC Trust in collaboration with Dr Parker from SCION has been running these workshops for a few years as we educate and empower rangatahi to identify and learn of microplastics and their deleterious effect on marine life and the environment.

Rigorous management of plastic waste is a global challenge that is not just unique to NZ. UNEP Frontiers 2016 reported that ‘in 2014, global plastic production exceeded 311 million metric tons, a 4.0 per cent increase over 2013.1 In 2010, out of 2.5 billion metric tons of solid waste generated by 192 countries, about 275 million tons consisted of plastic. It has been estimated that between 4.8 and 12.7 million tons ended up in the ocean as a result of inadequate solid waste management’.

The problems we face in 2023 are therefore of colossal proportions. Empowering the next generation with the understanding and scientific capacity must be a pivotal aspect of the solutions of the future.