Eco products@ Teen unit

Herbal farm founder, Lynn shared her personal experience with our young mums as PTC Trust workshop challenged them to become problem solvers, business specialists, conservationists, scientists and agents for change for a brighter future.

Together the young mums learnt about the 10 nasty ingredients in skin care and the ways in which these impact negatively on the environment. Analysing a range of locally used products, Lynn showed the students how to look a little deeper behind the ingredients used and the message of sustainability promoted by companies. Many of these chemicals enters into and pollutes our waterways.

NIWA explains that ‘‘the phrase chemical contamination' is used to indicate situations where chemicals are either present where they shouldn’t be, or are at higher concentrations than they would naturally have occurred. Chemical contaminants can be found as organic and inorganic molecules in mass produced products used day to day by almost everybody. These include plastics, resins, pharmaceuticals, disinfectants, deodorants, detergents, petroleum products, road runoff, pesticides and biocides, along with the results of land fill and incineration’.

Against this understanding, the PTC workshop empowered our youth to consider more eco-friendly and organically sourced deodorants, skin care, shampoos, lotions etc. Not only will these products create a huge impact on the environment, but it enables them to make better informed decisions for their babies and their wider communities.