Renewable Energy workshop 1- Horowhenua

This was a very unique experience as PTC Trust in collaboration with Professor Alan Brent, Programme Director—Renewable Energy Systems Engineering and Mr Burmester organised a series of online workshops for students to experience and utilise solar energy panels.

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The sun produces an amazing amount of energy. Genesis Energy NZ records that ‘a single hour of the sun's energy could power the world for a year. Worldwide, we're currently only using about 1/10,000th of that total potential for our (1) energy consumption. Given that the sun is such a powerful, renewable energy source, harnessing its incredible power makes sense’.

Students were provided with solar photovoltaic (PV) panel. They were shown virtually how to set them up, such that they generate energy. Our young people saw how solar panels can convert the light from the sun's rays into electricity to power a small motor. It was amazing how their eyes shone when the device they were constructing worked. The online workshop was sufficiently challenging to provide stimuli but equally informative involving them having to note points, use protractors, plot graphs and explain data.

Students utilised the afternoon period to create a solar-powered oven, through which they attempted to roast marsh mellows.